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VIA WWW.BULB-WEB.NL, school students in the Dune and Flowerbulb Region (Duin- en Bollenstreek) can explore and uncover the past, present and future of their region. The site offers them a treasure trove of information that is presented in maps, informative articles, animations, games, photos, film fragments and tasks. BULB is a cross-disciplinary website that can be utilized within the fields of geography, history and social studies, as well as for CKV (arts and culture-related subjects). The website was developed for a commission from the Erfgoedhuis Zuid-Holland (Heritage Centre for South Holland).

The website’s educational content is based on the material and immaterial discoveries, facts, ideas and designs that arose during the Geest en Grond (‘Soul and Soil’) project or its follow-up. This material was structured and rewritten for BULB, and includes short texts, photos, film fragments, drawings and animations. The aim of the website is to make students aware of their own region’s history and show them that they can actually do something with it in the future.

The way in which they have to gather the information changes their outlook on the region and they learn to see things that they previously did not notice. That enables them to establish connections between aspects that they might not so readily associate with one another. It therefore increases their understanding of the region

The website comprises a search screen and a scoreboard. The search screen presents maps from different layers in time, with which it is possible to collate information about the region. The scoreboard is a matrix consisting of seven ambitions (spatial demands) and six phenomena (qualities or characteristics) that are decisive for the region. Each ambition is composed of items that are paired with questions about a particular topic. These items and questions can be found on the maps in the search screen. Answering these questions scores the user points that are tracked on the scoreboard. When the user has scored enough points, the significance of an ambition for the future is elaborated in a project description, game and assignment.

The website’s structure makes it possible to cover one ambition per lesson. The students can tackle an ambition independently and thereby amass information about the relevant ambition. Once all the requisite items have been found and sufficient points have been accumulated, the student gains access to a box on the scoreboard. Here there is a project description, a game or a task for which they must employ the found information in a practical situation. The task can also be used as the basis for course work or a project.

BULB is aimed at students in secondary education, from both lower and upper forms, and for ability levels ranging from VMBO (pre-higher vocational education) to VWO (pre-university education).

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BULB was developed by Bureau Venhuizen to a commission from the Erfgoedhuis Zuid-Holland (Heritage Centre for South Holland) on the basis of the ‘Soul and Soil, culture-based planning in the Dune and Flowerbulb Region’ project. The website was realized with the support of the Province of South Holland, the Netherlands Architecture Fund under the Belvedere Project Grants Programme, and the Prince Bernhard Cultural Fund.

Concept management
Bureau Venhuizen - Hans Venhuizen, Mariëtte Maaskant, Margit Schuster

Design of website and map
Antenna-men - Yvo Zijlstra and Marcel van der Zwet (


Marieke Berkers, Onno Helleman and Marc Laman (Heritage Centre for South Holland), Marleen van Ooststroom (intern), Karin Tabacnik, Francien van Westrenen, Afshan Ayar

With thanks to

Peter Sevens, Willem Venhuizen, Anne Sevens, Hanne Hagenaars, Marjan Teunissen, Thea de Langen, Rob van Iterson (Rijnland District Water Control Board)